Airport Board of Directors – As of January 5, 2024
The airport board is made of members from the cities of Auburn and Lewiston as well as a member of the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments and the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council.
Jonathan P. LaBonte, Airport Director
Transportation Systems Director, Auburn
Matt Garside, Vice-Chair
Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council
Larry Allen, Chair
MPO Director
Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments
Open Position
Chamber Representative
Tracy Roy
Lewiston Finance Director
Phillip L. Crowell
Auburn City Manager
Marc Blais
Lewiston At Large
Ben Weisner
Auburn City Council
David Chittim
Lewiston City Council
Purpose of this Board
- Operate and maintain the Auburn-Lewiston Airport. Conduct strategic planning and implement projects and improvements necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure of the airport.
- Provide for continued access by the cities of Auburn and Lewiston, as well as the surrounding communities to the national airspace system.
- Encourage the economic growth of the airport by attracting new businesses to the airport and surrounding airpark(s).
- Develop policies that encourage the economic self-sufficiency of the airport.
- Stimulate aeronautical development and expansion at the airport, as appropriate to users’ needs and the needs of Auburn, Lewiston and the surrounding communities.
- Define and set into motion: policies, projects, and programs that will increase airport viability and result in increased airport and community growth.
- Manage the existing Auburn-Lewiston Airport, and its primary property situated on the Hotel and Lewiston Junction Roads, Auburn, which consist of land, buildings, easements, fixtures, equipment and tools.
- Manage all other property both real and personal, which are part of, or used at the existing airport facility, together with all leases, bank accounts, accounts receivable, and all other intangible property.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, February 12th at 5:30 PM.
Meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm. Please check website for latest as meeting dates are subject to change.
2025 Agendas & Minutes
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